Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Dirty Byrd

We took a trip home to Tennessee last week. I had a great time playing in the mud and trying to eat wood chips (Mom is thankful I've realized I can spit out what I don't want to swallow).


I'm just gonna go ahead and sleep now, ok?

Monday, January 19, 2009

Sunday at the Park

Mom dressed me up in my Christmas dress for some pictures in the park. Those silly Floridians told her I needed a hat on because here, 70 degrees is cold!

Fort DeSoto

Mommy and Daddy wanted a family picture so we went to the Fort DeSoto State Park and took this one out on the pier. I loved watching the birds fly overhead.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Peek a Boo!

Go avay wiz you!

I am teachink Cody how to make ze art! There can be no deestractshons!

Grandma Peggy and I...

We're in cahoots.

I love Fridge Magnets!

You pull them off, then put them on, then throw then on the floor and then stick them back on the fridge. The fun never ends!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

10 Months Old Today!

And my goal is to climb into Spencer's chair. (Mommy note: at the time of posting this, she had finagled her way into and was standing up on it. Sigh.)

Thanks Sea Tac Airport!

For such a fun place to play while Mommy and I waited 4 hours for our airplane ride.


Boarding. Tired.

Look Out!

These roads are icy and I'm possibly the only sane driver out today!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Unka J

What's that sniffing in my ear? Oh, it's Uncle Jason that I hear!

Farm-like Girls

This is my friend Thea Gillespie. She taught me in just a few minutes that girls can drive tractors, too!