Monday, May 17, 2010

Chattanooga with Geypa

Yep, here I am in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The aquarium is pretty neat!
It has giant windows to view the fish!

Even a flutterby garden!

I pretty much ran everywhere, but there's always time to sit in Geypa's (Grandpa) lap.

Pocket Full of Rocks

Geypa and Mom and I went for a hike to see a big wallehball (that's waterfall). Along the way, it's important to pick up rocks in case there are puddles for plunking.

First Haircut

Ok, Lady, you're not my Grandma, so let me make this clear...just a little off the top and clean up my split ends! I have a sucker and I know how to make your life reeeal sticky, if you know what I mean!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

My Mama and Me