Sunday, April 28, 2013

Nashville Flea Market

We went to the Nashville Flea Market to visit Les and Randy and their antique shop.
Got any spare change?


No, I can't go out with you, I have to wash my hair tonight.




Playing Dress Up

Byrdie decided Lark needed some high fashion in his life.
Just step right in

Tres Chic!

Don't forget your purse...

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Tractor Climb

Sorry, I got distracted and missed the part where he actually got into the seat.  Mama fail. 

So proud of himself.

Didja see that, Mama?

Burning Day

Daddy decided to burn our brush pile yesterday. Lark's first bonfire!

Byrdie with her crown of flames.

Sunday, April 14, 2013


Byrdie just putting a little more cheese into her camera hammin'.

Little camera ham


Up close and kinda wonky.

Nashville Zoo

Byrdie's Pre-K class took a field trip to the Nashville Zoo.
We saw...
Pretty rainbow colored Lorikeets

Giraffes, both real and mechanical

Lark surprised at the start of the carousel.  He spent the ride in Mom's arms.

The Three Musketeers, Taylor, Byrdie and Caitlyn

They brushed some goat's back, who didn't seem to mind at all.

One tried to eat Byrdie's shirt and she mostly let it.

And some lovely pink flamingoes.

Just a Swingin'

Daddy made Byrdie a tree swing.

Loving her new swing!

Quite pleased with herself.